Tips To Increase Internet Speed While Connecting Bluetooth GPRS

If you think that I will give you some special tools or software that can boost your internet connection then forgive me because I am just talking and showing that what and how much possibilities or ideas are there for increasing internet speed while using Bluetooth. Actually this post is related to my previous post ' Connceting Uninor to pc using Bluetooth ' where the tip is only for those who does not have PC suit and the tip shows and gives you the ideas to connect your mobile gprs with the help of Bluetooth. When I wrote that post, I had the old version 2.0 of bluetooth dongle device as well as my mobile handset that has also 2.0 and the problem was poor slow internet connection. As we know Bluetooth helps us to transfer or move any files like photos, songs, films etc from one device to another without any wire, it is also very much true that connecting gprs or exchanging any files using bluetooth gives a slower connection that USB cable. So, people always ask themselves...